What it shows
Here you can see all payments for Rent and Invoices paid by you, and all refunds paid to you.
You will also be able to see the details of each Transaction, such as the Transaction Id, and the Paid to Dates relating to the selected payment.
Use the Date Filter to search for transactions made in a specific time period
Selecting the Custom option will allow you select a specific date range for your search
Click on Save Date Filter to view transactions within the Date Filter range
To go back to viewing all transactions, click on Reset Date Filter
What transactions can you see
In this screen you will be able to see all payments and funds received relating to your profile only. This means that if there are other Tenants living at the same property and making payments, or receiving refunds, you will only be able to see your payments and refunds, and not the payments made by other Tenants, or refunds paid to other Tenants.
What the status' mean
Pending: The Payment has been processed and is pending standard Banking clearance times
Failed: The Payment has dishonoured. This can be due to a number of reasons:
Were the Account Details provided correct or entered correctly?
Have you checked your account to confirm there are sufficient funds for the amount being debited?
Have you contacted your Bank to confirm the account being debited is able to be debited?
No status chip indicates that the transaction has cleared.
Rent Payment options
โ ๏ธ Not all rent payment options are available to all Real Estate agencies that uses Kolmeo, check with your property manager which ones they have.
Direct Debit
Your Property Manager will provide you with a Direct Debit Authority form. Once it is completed and returned, you will be set up to be Direct Debited when your Rent is due as per your agreed Rent frequency.
Your Property Manager will provide you with the Biller Code and Customer Reference Number for your Rent Payments. You can then pay your Rent via BPAY as you would any other bill that provides BPAY Payments as an option.
Debit now
You can manage Debit now payments using Kolmeo. Once your Property Manager has set your payment method as Debit now, you can add & remove Bank Accounts and pay your Rent your way and in your own time inline with your lease.
Payment processing time
Direct Debit
All transactions are subject to standard banking clearance times, however a Direct Debit may take up to 3 Business days to appear on your Bank Statement.
As BPAY payments are initiated by you and from your Bank App, you will see the transaction on your Bank Statement immediately.
Debit now
All transactions are subject to standard banking clearance times, however a Debit now payment may take up to 3 Business days to appear on your Bank Statement.
Why is Debit now not showing?
Your Property Manager will need to change your Payment Method in Kolmeo to Debit now. Once this has been updated, you will be able to pay your Rent using Debit now.
How do I change my payment method?
Contact your Property Manager to discuss alternate payment methods.
I want to change my rent due date
Contact your Property Manager to discuss a change in your rent cycle. A pro rata rent payment will be required to change the date your rent is due.
I want to change my Direct Debit processing date
Contact your Property Manager to discuss a postponing your next direct debit due date.
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